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Stratos: Developer's Meeting Point

Welcome to Stratos!



Here are the best links indexed by categories. Remember that this community thrives on the knowledge of everyone, so feel free to contribute your own links or send us the addresses of your pages to make them known.

Programming (56)Programming related sites.Programming (56)
Programming related sites.
Art & Animation (31)Graphics related sites.Art & Animation (31)
Graphics related sites.
Audio (46)Sites related to the world of music composition, sound effects, etc...Audio (46)
Sites related to the world of music composition, sound effects, etc...
Tutorials (31)Pages with tutorials and courses of any kind.Tutorials (31)
Pages with tutorials and courses of any kind.
Resources (16)Sites with free resources, materials, programs, tools, etc...Resources (16)
Sites with free resources, materials, programs, tools, etc...
General interest (43)Sites with news, reviews...General interest (43)
Sites with news, reviews...
Projects and games (25)Sites with WIP projects, games to download, demos, etc...Projects and games (25)
Sites with WIP projects, games to download, demos, etc...
Internet jobs (37)Sites to get a job, send resumes, etc...Internet jobs (37)
Sites to get a job, send resumes, etc...

If you think we should add any other section, tell us and we'll take it into consideration

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Por favor, desactiva el bloqueador de anuncios en esta web para ayudar a que siga adelante.
Muchísimas gracias.