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Mensajes - auron

Jad Engine / Input Handling
02 de Febrero de 2006, 09:20:42 AM
 For instance, if I want to create a top down shooter or something like that, where up, down, left and right would shift the camera on a horizontal plane and keep it facing down.

By the way, I tried using the LookAt() function for the camera, it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? Using the Rotate and RotateStep functions works but LookAt() doesn't.

Also, any idea on how to lock the camera on a specific object? I was experimenting and trying to lock my camera on to a particular object to rotate around it when I moved my mouse.
Jad Engine / Input Handling
02 de Febrero de 2006, 06:29:57 AM

Not sure if anyone has posted this before cos I can't read a lot of the posts... I don't speak spanish... =)

Is it possible to customise my input behaviour?
Like to override the standard FPS camera style and implement custom camera controls?

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